ИИзображение наушникаCall-center

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Muxlisa AI

(The chatbot is in test mode )

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Unified Register of Public Services

A collection of general information about government agencies and organizations, as well as the services they provide to the population and business entities.

In detail
Единый реестр гос услуг

Certificates for employment

All necessary certificates regarding education, employment history, place of residence, as well as your photo and other documents from government agencies, provided within a single service


IT education and youth

Free IT courses, reimbursement of expenses for certificates, support for youth with disabilities and a refund of 12% of the contract amount to students, everything for a successful start in IT

Launched services: 730
Упрощенный интерфейс

Ощутите удобства

новой версии

friendly design and simplified way of logging in

Mobile app

Mobile app
MyGov —  everything important is at hand

Google play AppStore

Scan to download:

QR code

Useful resources

Site map