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Submitting an application for permission to import radio-electronic equipment and high-frequency devices into the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Providing a universal decimal classification (UDC)
Providing subsidies to business entities that have created home-based work
Advanced training of veterinary service specialists
Representative office accreditation
Participation in a tender for the implementation of a large investment project
Submission of an application for a replacement tractor driver's license or a new one to replace the lost one
Compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners
Certification inspection of the vehicle
Obtaining information about the bankruptcy of the organization
Approval of changes to the exterior appearance of a building and structure
certificate of nursery
Submission of an application for obtaining data from the state register of enterprises and organizations
Ko‘chmas mulkni birlashtirish va uning yangi chegaralarini belgilash
Obtaining confirmation for the right of labor activity in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Creation of a cadastral passport of private residential objects and state registration of the right to them
Obtaining an electronic digital signature for individuals
Yer qaʼri uchastkalaridan foydalanish huquqi uchun ruxsatnomani qayta rasmiylashtirish
Providing an opinion on fire safety requirements
A foreign legal entity that carries out operations on commodity exchanges
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