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Registration of self-employed individuals
Obtaining a certificate for the right to use the appellation of origin of goods
Tax benefits for legal entities
certificate of nursery
Applying for a Bachelor's Scholarship
Preliminary electronic informing of the state customs service on goods and vehicles transported across the customs border of the Republic of Uzbekistan by road
Checking for an electronic digital signature
Obtaining a credit history
Ер ости сувларига қудуқларни бурғулаш
Mining Permit
Postal Declaration
Information about vehicles
Information on the prohibition of transferring property to another person
Submitting an application for a subsidy for the cost of education for young people with disabilities
Verification of a foreign language certificate
health vaccine calendar
License to operate religious educational institutions
Certificate of state registration of mass media
TIR kitobidan foydalangan holda xalqaro tashish uchun ruxsatnomaga o‘zgartirishlar kiritish
Registry of customs, duty-free warehouses, and duty-free shops
Call-center: 1242 1148
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