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Submitting an application for a subsidy for the cost of education for young people with disabilities
Verification of a foreign language certificate
health vaccine calendar
License to operate religious educational institutions
Certificate of state registration of mass media
TIR kitobidan foydalangan holda xalqaro tashish uchun ruxsatnomaga o‘zgartirishlar kiritish
Registry of customs, duty-free warehouses, and duty-free shops
Licensing of customs warehouse activities
Registration of a new entrepreneurship
Obtaining medical certificates
reference cancellation agricultural vehicles
Permission to use X-ray equipment
Weather forecast
Applying for an application for import or export permit of ozone-depleting substances
Verification of mandatory digital marking products
Conclusion on the compliance of premises with technical requirements for the storage of narcotic drugs
Calculation of primary rent of state property
Obtaining technical conditions for connection to heat supply networks
Land verification whether or not it belongs to the forest fund
Obtaining information about the history of real estate
Call-center: 1242 1148
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